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    Wednesday, 7 September 2011

    making day.....

    05 September 2011
    Rajshahi, Bangladesh

    the first day at Rajshahi.... its been almost a year since the last tour of Rajshahi..... the day was quite eventful as we had already explored the bank of the Padma and some other nice places on the outskirts of the City.... now it was time to do something different in the evening.... with the sun down, we had to adapt.... I had brought minimal equipment on this tour, so I needed to improvise for everything.... and as I'm virtually without any editing platform, most of the posts here are to done with minimal PP work... anyway, lets get to the shoot.....

    Proma's well-decorated room brought the idea of some environmental portraits.... the show-pieces on the wall, tables and floor caught my eyes and gave me thought that I must have some photos here.... the room is supposed to look best in early morning daylight conditions..... but it was evening; no sunlight.... and the room doesn't  really receive direct sun..... so, I had to tweak something to make it look like a day shoot.... I put an SB-900 with a warm gel filter in the hands of an assistant (Shoma) outside the window and used a 24" Lastolite Ezybox Hotshoe softbox as a fill light from the right with another SB-900 inside (on Manfrotto monopod, held by my wife).... both the flashes were triggered by Elinchrom Skyport radio triggers....

    the result was some kind of a moody picture with lots elements and warmth.... my subject was also full of expressions and ideas, which made my work easier.... the space inside the room and outside the window were causing a bit of inconvenience, but thats something expected on different locations.... the walls need to be corrected a bit in PP.... it would've been nice if I could set the softbox on the left of the frame, making it look more natural.... but that would've meant changing the whole frame.... didn't wanna do that though.... anyway, the shoot went on smoothly, more or less....

    more to come from the tour.....