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    Wednesday, 27 February 2013

    cute, but "dark" images.....

    27 February 2013

    children are cute.... and very difficult to manage.... the combination?.... a "cute chaos"!.... well, that chaos can be controlled though, with some hard work and experience.... and that makes children's photos even more precious.... whatever you have to work hard to earn, is usually sweeter while you enjoy them.... children don't develop the expression of adults, which makes it difficult to pose them in front of a camera.... but you also have to be mindful that this is exactly what makes children, well... children.... a child's expression is a child's expression....

    41 years victory.... 16 December 2012

    but a more mature expression makes some unique photos of children.... something that children are not expected to do.... these photos are damn difficult to make, but always worth the try.... sometimes it just clicks, other times its a pain to pull off.... or in worst case scenario, you may have to quit.... doing our part, we've tried it many times and quite surprisingly, almost always pulled it off.... it doesn't come cheap though.... sometimes, lots of positive and/or negative motivations later, we still were undone and had to do the thing all over.... patience is the key.... we had been blessed by Lamisa's great ability to adapt to our styles.... it obviously happened because of her closeness to camera/studio since her birth.... but as said before, a child is a child... they always need that extra bit to work with them....

    Lost Spring

    talking of mature expressions, we've done several photos with Lamisa that needed her to portray a more melancholy mood.... making the image more "dark" thematically.... her mood was accentuated by the lighting, props and her surroundings.... at least, in the photo, that is.... but remember that while she was being photographed, all that moody environ wasn't there at all.... all of that turned into reality only after the actual photo was taken with moody lights.... moody lights depend on the artificial light settings.... and until the light flashes, its a typical environ around her.... it only becomes something to look at after the photo is made inside the camera..... for example, both the "41 years of victory" photo and the "Lost Spring" photo were made against a white wall..... the lighting made all the difference.... as a child we never expected Lamisa to understand the full meaning of what we were doing.... but we did give her cues regarding the mood that should be portrayed here.... she did respond.... just like any other preschooler would....

    previously, in another post of December 2011 we've discussed three particular photo-shoots, where mood was everything.... though the moods in those photos were quite different.... the Victory Day shoot of 2011 was particularly difficult to make.... you can check it out here.... we also expect to discuss the 21st February photo of 2012, which was very popular among our viewers....

    don't forget to leave your feedback.... and thanks for reading!
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