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    Wednesday 12 August 2009

    Sundarbans is calling me once again.........

    even having two visits to the Sundarbans in one year (October and November of 2008) seemed no enough........ the back-to-back tours of late 2008 now look like distant stories......

    three days of holidays in a row was enough for me to think about taking the challenge....... I was only concerned about the busy work schedules..... and yes, that had been a big source of concern for me in recent times....... lets see where it ends up..... if all go like clockwork, my journey begins tonight........ Ramadan is right around the corner...... and there would be no tours coming up during that time for sure........

    From The Sundarbans, Satkhira, November 2008

    From The Sundarbans, Satkhira, November 2008

    From The Sundarbans, Satkhira, November 2008

    From The Sundarbans, Satkhira, November 2008

    From The Sundarbans, Satkhira, November 2008
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